Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA)
acvo’S caer pROGRAM, FORMS & Eye Certification Registry Information
The Companion Animal Eye Registry (CAER) program was developed by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) to provide a way for breeders to screen dogs for inherited eye diseases. The ACVO's recommendations regarding inherited eye diseases are guided by the expertise of our board-certified veterinary ophthalmologists, who volunteer to serve on the ACVO Genetics Committee. In 2013, the ACVO entered into a management agreement with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) to begin data management and support of the ACVO's 20-year program (previously referred to as the ACVO CERF exams). The OFA provided an established database that was unquestionably the most complete resource for canine health screening results in the world (orthopedic). The alignment between OFA and ACVO was natural, and the OFA offered to develop, at its own expense, an updated digital system for use by our ophthalmologists and animal owners. The ACVO Genetics Committee researches the data obtained through all ACVO CAER examinations, both passes and failures, to help update their publication, the "ACVO Blue Book." The ACVO Blue Book combines data results and breeder recommendations to provide guidelines for ACVO Diplomates performing ACVO CAER examinations and breeders.
The ACVO's CAER examinations provide responsible breeders with information to help them make more informed breeding decisions in an effort to reduce the incidence of inherited diseases. The OFA arranges for animals that pass the CAER examination to have that information submitted to the American Kennel Club.
The ACVO and the OFA mutually agreed to return a percentage of the CAER examination registration fees submitted through the OFA to the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation. These funds support research leading to the elimination of ocular diseases causing vision loss and suffering in animals. Since 2013, more than $350,000 has been donated from this percentage of fees.
Breeders should refer directly to the OFA website for questions.
Exams - Exams are conducted by board certified ACVO Diplomates who are up to date on their maintenance of certification requirements through the American Board of Veterinary Ophthalmology, assessing dogs for the presence or absence of observable hereditary eye disease.
Forms and Number – Please contact the OFA directly for updated forms and your unique Diplomate OFA number. OFA numbers are assigned by OFA in the fall when a new Diplomate passes boards, ACVO does not establish nor track this number.
Statistical Data Collection – Regardless of whether the owner opts to register eye exam results with the OFA, the examining ophthalmologist is requested to submit the results for statistical purposes to monitor general disease prevalence and progression at the breed level. Working with the ACVO Genetics Committee, the OFA will make aggregate statistics available to ACVO Diplomates, breed clubs, and the public, through the ‘ACVO Blue Book’ recommendations.
In addition to the Eye Certification Registry (ECR), the OFA is working with the ACVO to establish a new Clinical Database of Ophthalmic Diagnoses (CDOD). Recognizing that the ECR represents a biased population of primarily normal dogs, the CDOD will capture additional data regarding disease prevalence for those dogs presenting to private and institutional practices for reasons other than a certification exam. Together, the OFA’s new ECR and CDOD will be important tools to monitor canine inherited eye conditions and reduce their incidence.