2024 New ABVO Member

The ABVO extends its appreciation to our 2024 board candidates for agreeing to run for office in support of the ABVO and its goals. All of the nominated Diplomates have demonstrated outstanding service to the ACVO and ABVO over the years. Thank you, Drs. Rachel Allbaugh and Mark Nasisse, for all of your past service and leadership!

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2023 ACVO Officer Election Results!

The ACVO would like to thank the following outstanding ACVO members for agreeing to be placed on the 2023 Slate of Officers as candidates for Regent on the ACVO Board, Drs. Shannon Boveland, Tammy Miller-Michau, and Rob Swinger. And to Dr. Rachel Allbaugh, for agreeing to run as VSOC Alternate Representative. We are so grateful you agreed to run for office to represent the ACVO! All candidates have demonstrated outstanding service to the ACVO over the years, and we are very grateful for their dedication.

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New ABVO Member for 2023!

The ABVO extends its appreciation to our 2023 board candidates for agreeing to run for office in support of the ABVO and its goals. All of the nominated Diplomates have demonstrated outstanding service to the ACVO and ABVO over the years. Thank you, Drs. Katie Diehl, Daniel Dorbandt, and Mary Lassaline, for all of your past service and leadership!

Three hundred nineteen Diplomates voted in this election, and by majority vote…

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