Registration for ACVO Members Now Open for 2023 Event!

2023 ACVO/Epicur National Service Animal Eye Exam Event
Member Registration Opening

Thank you to the just over 200 ACVO Members who participated in the limited 2022 Service Animal Event! Even though the event was on a limited basis, over 4,440 animals received complimentary eye exams throughout the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, and Spain.

Member registration for the event is now open! Registration for Members will be open January 18th through March 1st. Please plan to register your clinic(s) as early as possible to promote your city on the website! We will provide updated promotional materials, press releases, Instagram posts, etc. that you may use at that time. If you would like to participate in the event with a certain Service or Working animal group, but not hold public appointments, please email our office at

It's Time to Register your Clinic
The ACVO/Epicur Service Animal Eye Exam Event program continues to grow each year, with approximately 80,000 Service Animals being given complimentary eye screening exams since the program's fruition. Our continued growth would not be possible without YOU. Thank you to all the ophthalmologists and clinics that have participated over the years. We hope you will register to participate in 2023, and be a part of our 14th annual event!

We will again be utilizing the online form and confirmation. You may register up to three clinic locations, please sign up or forward this to your administrator.

Promotional Materials
We continue to provide and update digital and printable promotional materials for your clinic's event. These materials should be completely updated by March 1st, but take a look at what you could currently use to promote the even to your clients and referring DVMs. Additionally, consider sharing frequent event Facebook and Instagram posts beginning in February. We are happy to assist you if you would like additional tools. 

Thank you Epicur Pharma!
Epicur Pharma has agreed to support this program through 2024. Epicur Pharma is willing to donate $50,000 per year to help fund the promotion of the event. Please help us thank Epicur Pharma for their generosity any time you’re able.

Other sponsorship opportunities are available and may be secured this winter.

We sincerely thank our Members and our sponsor for continued support. This program and veterinary ophthalmology, as a profession, owe you all greatly for your philanthropic efforts and generosity.

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