Informational Videos
Service Animal Event promotional videos
(The ACVO does not endorse or support any of the other content on the YouTube webpage.)
Logos & Trademarks
In mythology, the rise and fall of the sun symbolized the struggle between the gods of light and darkness. Man, of course, was ever hopeful that light would prevail and eternally triumph. Thus, the champion of light was usually represented by an animal with awesome qualities. Horus, the falcon god of ancient Egypt, fulfilled that role. His importance was further emphasized by the double crown upon his head, an indication of his supremacy over both the upper and lower kingdoms of ancient Egypt.
This is the new logo approved by members in November, 2013. Use of this logo needs to be approved by the ACVO.
Up until 2013, the above logo was utilized: The seal embodies a likeness of the statue of Horus at Edfu superimposed upon a field of black within a pyramid; a representation of his role as the conqueror of darkness in Egyptian mythology. The motto, "...that light shall prevail over darkness," is the final phrase of a sentence aptly describing the meaningfulness of Horus. (This logo is still trademarked and owned by the ACVO, use needs to be approved by the ACVO.)
The use of the ACVO and ABVO logos and related registered trademarks are only allowed by permission of the ACVO and only granted for use by paid-current, Members of the ACVO. Members are not permitted to use the ACVO's trademarks to promote a product or company outside of their ophthalmology clinic. )Trademark use can be interpreted by the public as an ACVO endorsement, therefore it is rarely allowed.) Diplomates who are not members and vendors, including sponsors, are not allowed to use trademarks without express written permission. A Diplomate who is not a current member may only use trademarks specifically noted in the below chart.
The actual logos as shown on this page are the express property of the ACVO and should only be used for official ACVO business, not by any member or entity. If a member would like to use a logo or trademarked phrase, please contact the ACVO for a digital copy of the "Diplomate of" and/or "Member of" logos. Otherwise the marks may be used as desired on promotional materials by current members: