New ABVO Board Member

Hamor Close Up (Resized).jpg

2020 ABVO Elections Announcement

The ABVO extends its appreciation to our 2020 board candidates for agreeing to run for office in support the ABVO and its goals. Both of these Diplomates have demonstrated outstanding service to the ACVO and ABVO over the years. Thank you Drs. Ralph Hamor and Amy Rankin for all of your past service and leadership!

Two hundred eighty two Diplomates voted in this election, and by majority vote, Dr. Hamor was elected as the ABVO's next board member, his term begins in fall 2020. We appreciate all of you who took the time to vote and would encourage more of you to be involved in the future.

The ABVO holds its elections each spring online. A call for nominations will be sent to all Diplomates each May 1st, voting will commence June 1st. If you are interested in being nominated in the future, please review the board qualifications when promoted online and send nomination these materials to the ACVO office next May.

Teresa Black