ECVO Residency in Veterinary Ophthalmology at the University of Zürich, Switzerland

ECVO Residency in Veterinary Ophthalmology at the University of Zürich, Switzerland

The University of Zürich, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is accepting applications from qualified individuals for a three-year clinical ophthalmology residency. This program will begin October 1st, 2023 and has the primary objectives of successfully training an academic or private practice veterinary ophthalmologist and preparing the resident for the successful completion of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ECVO) board certification process. 

This includes the responsibility for hospital patients and training in the medical and surgical aspects of veterinary ophthalmology, including large and small domestic animals, non-domestic and laboratory animals. Our team of two ECVO Diplomates, two ECVO residents, one ophthalmology intern, one ophthalmology clinician and two dedicated ophthalmology technicians has the pleasure to work in a spacious and modern small animal clinic with all the diagnostic and surgical equipment necessary for excellent training opportunities and state-of-the-art veterinary care. Secondary residency objectives are to introduce the resident to basic scientific and/or clinical ophthalmic research and to develop effective clinical and didactic teaching skills. The resident will therefore assist in the instruction of veterinary medical students, interns and other residents. The responsibility for our ophthalmology emergency duty is shared with the second ophthalmology resident.

Weekly rounds for review of the veterinary and human ophthalmic literature, bi-weekly ocular pathology reviews attended by the ophthalmology faculty and board-certified pathologists and weekly clinic rounds to discuss diagnostic and surgical cases in-depth are provided. Presentations at in-house rounds and seminars and at the ECVO Residents Forum are required and attendance at the ACVO Basic Science Course is ensured. The resident is required to complete a research project and submit two written manuscripts for publication in a peer-reviewed journal prior to completion of the residency. These publications must be "accepted for publication" prior to the end date of the residency program.

Pre-requisites for acceptance into the program are:
1. DVM degree or its equivalent.
2. One-year rotating internship or 2 year working experience as a veterinarian.

3. A fair to good command of the German language is imperative to be able to function in a clinical situation with frequent and intensive doctor-client contacts.

4. The candidate(s) selected for this position must be able to meet eligibility requirements to work in Switzerland at the time the residency program is scheduled to begin. For further information on licensure requirements please see the following BAG websites:

The following application materials are required:
1. A personal statement describing background, reasons for applying to the residency and career goals.
2. Current curriculum vitae
3. Three letters of recommendation from faculty members or practitioners who have worked directly with the candidate. These letters should address aptitude and performance in intellectual and creative pursuits pertinent to scientific research, knowledge of veterinary medicine, clinical and surgical skills, ability to apply knowledge in a clinical situation, and ability to communicate and work with others. These letters should be sent directly by the letter writer to the application address below; they should not be forwarded by the applicant.

Application materials should be sent electronically to

Questions regarding the residency program or the residency application process can be directed to Dr. Antonella Rampazzo at  or to Prof. Simon Pot at

Applications must be received by May 15th, 2023. Application review and interviews will take place during the months of May and June of 2023, and the applicants will be notified by July 1st, 2023.

Teresa Black