ACVO Mid-Year Members' Destination Meeting Survey Results


Mid-Year Members' Destination Meeting Survey Results

The survey results are in... Approximately 200 ACVO members answered the survey regarding location preferences, program ideas, speaker suggestions, and their interest in participating in this new program format. With the format being either 1/2 or 3/4 days, for 2-3 days, with master level CE integrated with interactive sessions, many were interested in securing one of the 150 limited attendance slots. Below are the top 5 locations and programs that we will be working with for the first meeting in either 2021 or 2022. These are in order of preference by possible attendees, and dates would correspond with what works best for those programs. The other information is a summary of data that the committee will consider when planning.

Members' preferences being considered by the planning committee:

Locations, in order of preference
1) Beach/ocean & national parks were a close tie for #1
2) Hiking/outdoor locations
3) Wine tour/wineries
4) Alaskan cruise
5) River cruise (outside of US)
6) Historical/architecture, etc.

98% liked the two day program with welcome reception format. Several suggested three, ½ days format to ‘make the trip worthwhile’ if it was located at a harder to travel to location.
Conference Pattern

  • Most seemed to agree with a Fri/Sat program, or Thur/Fri/Sat program if three, ½ days.

  • ½ days were preferred over ¾ days for CE

Hotel Type
43% thought luxury, full service or limited service hotels were fine, they were more interested in the destination/program/activity
36% wanted luxury or full service.

  • 130 comments were given recommending CE thoughts. These would need to be reviewed by the PC to determine what they think would work.

  • Suggestions to use interactive format were strongly suggested. This would include things like panel discussions, round tables or other interactive formats in addition to keynote CE.

  • 69 people offered very helpful speaker recommendations

Thank you to all who participated in the survey. More information to come this spring.

Teresa Black