ACVO Pharma-Tox Seeking Dips Working in Pharma-Tox Field

Dear ACVO Diplomates,

The ACVO Pharma-Tox Committee is seeking to build a comprehensive database of all ACVO Diplomates currently working in the Pharma-Tox field (full or part-time). If you want to be included in this database please respond to my email with your full contact information (name, address, e-mail and best phone number).  The reason for this request is do invite and encourage all Diplomates not participating in the Pharma-Tox Listserve to join our discussion and to help identify Diplomates with areas particular expertise that may be beneficial for referral queries from industry representatives.  We also are looking for new members to join the ACVO Pharma-Tox Committee.  If you have interest to join this committee or have any questions, please contact me directly:

Teresa Black