The Basic Science Course is going online!

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The Basic Science Course is going online!

The ACVO is pleased to announce that this year’s 2020 Basic Science Course will be offered as a series of online webinars to be watched at your convenience in any time zone at any time during an 8-week period (June 20 to August 16, 2020, Pacific Daylight Time). We will supplement this with some live and recorded online chats/discussions.

While we are disappointed that the COVID-19 pandemic has prohibited us from offering the traditional residential course, we are delighted to provide online the same lecture content except for the retinoscopy and cytology labs.

For those who are able to defer their attendance in hope of attending a residential, in-person course, the ACVO has announced that the next Basic Science Course will be hosted by NC State University from May 31 to June 18, 2021.  They note, though, that circumstances related to the Covid-19 pandemic may again require transition to an online format for participant safety in 2021. Candidates are strongly advised to bear this in mind when deciding whether to attend in 2020 or 2021. More information is available from the ACVO.

What action should you take now?

Whether you are thinking of attending or canceling an existing registration for the course, or wondering whether to now register for the first time, you must visit the updated website for complete course information ASAP. There, we have tried to address all of your questions in plain language. In particular, we provide (through clickable links) answers to each of the following scenarios:

  • I already registered for the in-person course and want to attend online.

  • I already registered for the in-person course and want to attend online in 2020 and (if possible) attend in person in 2021.

  • I already registered for the in-person course but would like to cancel.

  • I have not yet registered but want to – how do I register?

  • I am not sure what I want to do yet.

Thanks for your patience while we made all necessary arrangements to change the 2020 course to an online course and move the 2022 course forward to 2021.  With this information now in hand, we believe that each of you can make the best decision for your individual circumstances. If you have any questions, please email

David Maggs

Teresa Black