Announcing Creation of the Diversity & Inclusion Task Force

Dear Members of the ACVO,
The ACVO was founded on a love of ophthalmology and with the motto, “that light shall prevail over darkness.” All who share a love of ophthalmology should feel welcome, included, and valued within the ACVO. We believe that supporting diversity and inclusion will be critical to the future of the ACVO as an organization. We are confident that we can all agree that we value and strongly support the Black members of the ACVO, as we do any of our friends and colleagues who might be marginalized by society.

To ensure that we unite to build and sustain such a community, and to ensure we share our collegiality and passion with as many people as possible, we have created the ACVO Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion. The Task Force was formed to investigate and recommend ways to improve diversity and inclusion within our profession and specialty. Dr. Gillian McLellan who brings decades of professional leadership experience and personal engagement with similar important missions will chair the Task Force. 

The Task Force members should be announced within the next two weeks. We thank them all for their willingness to give their time and energy in service to the ACVO.

ACVO Board of Regents

Teresa Black