GP Course Conference Video Access Has Been Extended

Beginning in April, access to previous years General Practitioners Course videos were provided to residents and all currently enrolled veterinary students (of our members) through August EOM. The ACVO BOR has approved extending the offer to provide online General Practitioner Course conference video access through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Your students and residents will now have complimentary access to eight years of General Practitioner course content, plus the 2020 content to be released in November. Therefore please let your residents and students know of the extended access and you may use these for your curriculum. The password and access codes will remain the same.

The available content will include the General Practitioners lectures from 2011 in Hilton Head, SC through the most recent, 2019 conference in Maui, HI. The videos from the 2020 Virtual Conference will be added in, but won't be available until about early November. This information is searchable and can be indexed by presenter, topic, date, etc.  Please note; the older lectures could be a bit scientifically outdated but most content should still apply.

Most past GP course titles, speakers and course descriptions can be previewed here prior to video login: (scroll down to see course history).

We encourage all residents and students of ACVO Members to take advantage of this extended benefit.

Contact the ACVO Office for login credentials.

Teresa Black