2022 ACVO BOR & Voting Results

2022 Elections Announcement

The ACVO would like to thank the following outstanding ACVO members for agreeing to be placed on the 2022 Slate of Officers as candidates for Regent on the ACVO Board, Drs. Caroline Betbeze and Amy Rankin. And to Dr. Sandra van der Woerdt, for agreeing to run as ACVO Secretary/Treasurer. We are so grateful you agreed to run for office to represent the ACVO! All candidates have demonstrated outstanding service to the ACVO over the years, and we are very grateful for their dedication.

We appreciate all two hundred seventy two Member Diplomates who took the time to vote in this year's election. By a simple majority vote, Dr. Caroline Betbeze was elected as the next ACVO Regent and Dr. Sandra van der Woerdt was elected as ACVO Secretary/Treasurer.

Congratulations also go out to our newest ACVO Emeritus Members, Dr. Nancy Bromberg, Robert Peiffer, David Whitley, and David Wilkie, were also approved for this esteemed membership by their peers.

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